Success story of Sunitha and Rahul triumph over infertility through IVF

Carrying and giving birth to a beautiful baby is an experience that all women wish from their hearts. But for some women, this wish has been an impossible dream because they are diagnosed with absolute infertility factor. Infertility definitely affects the couples physically, mentally, and personally. There are no words to express their unhealthy feeling in the devastating crisis. I am the one, is the best example of the above-said case. For my whole family members, I am a lucky charm. In my personal and family life, I am unlucky. I am unable to give birth to a healthy baby. Our journey towards infertility is long & heartbreaking. We experienced several miscarriages results in the diagnostics & treatment leads to complication in pregnancy.

Text Tube Baby Birth with the help of best IVF SpecialistA journey of Infertility Struggle to Successful Parents

Later I & my husband realized that as we are crossing 30 and we need a solution for our pregnancy problem. When Rahul finds for the best IVF fertility center in India, we found a way to afford the care to overcome our infertility through Well Spring IVF & Women’s Hospital.

This is one of the leading hospitals in India offers incredible services towards the childless couple. Hospitality, service, treatments, and management are most friendly in nature and the rates are affordable. We struggled in a long way against infertility and one fine day our journey ended with the flying colors after consulting Dr. Pranya Shah at Ahmedabad who changed our struggle lives to successful parents.

The happiness overloaded can’t be explained in words. The day we met Dr. Shah, his presence was calming and the way he responds to us was very concerned, he provided his suggestion throughout the undoubted questions.

Simultaneously he left us with a sense of confidence that hope and concern helps to move forward in the best direction towards infertility.

Purpose & Need for an IVF Treatment

We sought intervention from all ways that we could afford and cooperate with the hospital procedures regarding, blood test, laparoscopy, and ultrasound that helps to find the prompt reason for pregnancy problem.

In the test result, we found that the sperm of my husband had a decreased number of acrosomes. After the result, Dr. Shah advised us to go for IVF treatment. The hospital treats individual attention and provides unique protocol treatment to achieve maximum success. In our first attempt, three embryos are transferred to my uterus for a successful pregnancy but lead to failure, they did not implant.

Later, Doctor suggested to a second attempt, with a fresh cycle of another 5 embryos that transferred to my uterus result in a positive pregnancy. Later we have tested heartbeat through an ultrasound on the 6th week and concluded that everything was normal and no miscarriage will occur. When Dr confirms our healthy pregnancy, we are really overwhelmed. I & my husband are going to be the parent of a beautiful baby. The feeling of a future parent is really enthusiastic and happiness can’t be expressed in words.

Know about IVF Treatment & its Procedures

IVF is In vitro fertilization. IVF is not a single step process that can be performed in the laboratory. It is a process stretches over 6 weeks that involves a succession of interlinked steps.

IVF is an assisted reproductive technology (ART) involved in fertilization of egg with a sperm. It is a step by step process that includes stimulation of the ovaries, retrieval of egg, Insemination, fertilization, Embryo culture & Embryo transfer. For the best IVF success rates, an approximate one to three embryos are transferred to the womb with the help of ultrasound guidance helps to establish the pregnancy.

Best Care of Treatment at Wellspring IVF & Women’s Hospital

The treatment at Well Spring IVF & Women’s Hospital is really awesome. Apart from money, they give individual attention and great concern with the patients & her family members.

The day you enter may be nervous, but the way they approach for treatment with a customized treatment plan along with tremendous care makes you more comfortable to move forward. The Doctor and nurses are tireless in treatment to give the best output and happiness to their patients. Their energy and concern throughout the treatment make us feel very comfort and confidence.

This is one of the finest centers in India provides comprehensive andrology service in infertility treatment for both male and female. The rate, quality, treatment, management, and hospitality refer to choose this hospital for the best treatment in IVF for childless couple. This hospital is awarded as “Best IVF Centre in India” for the year 2018 by India’s most trusted healthcare awards. This hospital achieves the highest success rates in IVF fertility is one of the main reasons to choose this hospital.

Coping Mentally for the Treatment

As we started the fertility journey with the hope but in one corner of the brain, we had a doubt how long it will be successful? After all, we are humans have both positivity and negativity inside us.

Coping and preserving towards the treatment is more stressful and emotional toll affects the parent relationship. But in the case of Wellspring IVF treatment, no need to worry about the comfortable and caring treatment from the hospital & also with the Dr and nurses. I felt excessive emotion and mental stress when my first IVF was unsuccessful. Before we start the treatment, they clearly explained about IVF and its success rate in the first attempt.

Though I m depressed and doubtful with the second treatment, the hospital recommends for a counselor with greater support in all ways. That counseling not only helps for my childbirth but also helps to establish better expression in management of anger and emotions. The counseling greatly decreases my anxiety, depression, mental health condition. It provides greater self-confidence, and self-esteem & interpersonal skills.

Success at Well Spring IVF & Women’s Hospital Towards Infertility

Actually, it is not the responsibility of the hospital management to think about patient stress, but they have a concern about each and every patient. The concern of the hospital and treatments are incredible. They take individual and unique attention to the patients and I really feel like they treated like I am at home and not at the hospital. They help us to understand the failure of the first attempt, and wait for the success of forthcoming treatment. They help to manage our stress level in an easy going way.

I strongly recommend the childless couple to visit this hospital for happiness in your life. You can also consult the doctor for the Second opinion and clear your doubts regarding infertility and other treatment methods. Now we are living with a beautiful angel who lightens up our life with most cherishing moments. She is our lucky charm. I thank god for his support and Well Spring IVF & Women’s Hospital to give a meaningful life.