From Struggled Mother to the Successful Parent of Twin Babies With the help & Greatest Support of Well Spring IVF & Women’s Hospital.

Heart melting story of Viaan and Salena towards infertility
When we are newly married, we start to avoid getting pregnant easily with proper use of the condom, or taking birth control pills or sometimes with an IUD for an extra level of protection. One fine day, I & my husband love to be the parent of a child and finally we are ready to get pregnant unfortunately it seems like a cruel twist of fate results to a pregnancy complication.

A sudden disaster happened in our life, it rushes out our entire happiness in our family life. We really felt more stressed and embarrassed about the ovary problem that is the ultimate cause of being pregnant. When we avoid pregnancy, the days are more cherishing able and we really enjoyed loving with each other. But once you crossed your age limit, this will be the biggest issue in your life to achieve success in the treatment of pregnancy or not.

Twin Child with help of the Best IVF treatment in IndiaThe need for IVF Treatment

I personally forced into this situation because I almost crossed 32 years. Later we consult with a general physician for our physical problems. As per the doctor’s advice, we searched for a better IVF fertility center in India. Finally, with a lot of investigation and research, we found the best fertility center in Ahmedabad who gives better treatment for a childless couple to fulfill their dreams with an affordable cost.

Our Physician advised us, never be late in our pregnancy that leads to critical delivery during treatment. He suggested being aware and not to avoid or delay our process. He also insists us that, IVF is not a guaranteed pregnancy in the world, many possible success rates, and equal failure rates exist, so be confident, have hope and start your treatment was his advice.

My IVF Journey against the odds

We know we are properly controlled & directed in right path. I & my husband all along started our journey towards infertility from Bangalore to Ahmadabad with lots of hope & dreams about our future child. We already fixed an appointment over the phone with Dr. Pranay Shah who was the Chief Doctor from Well Spring IVF & Women’s Hospital, Ahmedabad.

During Consultation, we explained our miscarriage and my physician advice to him. He was gentle, calm, and soft in nature, listens to our problems carefully and explained about the IVF treatment very patiently and provide us huge information about the success rates and also the failures in IVF. Later, we are rooted in several tests, ultrasonic sound, X-rays to identify the exact problem of our pregnancy complications. Later Doctor advised us to go for IVF treatment for the healthy pregnancy.

Facts about IVF (In-Vitro Fertilization) Treatment

I and my husband went for three cycles of IVF treatment. For the first time, we totally experience a new medical treatment in our life. That is quite scary. But the doctor helped us in a better way to precede the treatment without tension. Two embryos were inserted to my womb. We waited for two weeks, for the positivity of pregnancy without any IVF issues. Unfortunately, we failed in the first attempt. The failure in the first attempt leads to metal and physical depression. It became the biggest frustration, burden, fear, scared, restless, and trustless moment in my life where I started to scare about my future.

The relationship between my husband and me become stronger in these days, he showered unconditional love towards me. Later, as per Doctors advice, we tried for the second attempt. This time three embryos for around 3 days treatment has been inserted into my womb. In the second time also our pregnancy test turns negative.

This time I totally depressed and lost all hope about the child and dreaming to be the parent. Wellspring IVF & Women’s Hospital arranged the counselor for my depression problem. It is not the duty of the hospital management to take care of patient’s depression, but still, the hospital has a concern about the patients and provides unique treatment to their patients for fulfilling their requirement.

Success Journey towards Infertility in the Final Attempt

The counselor helps to manage my emotional problems, clear the doubt and conflicts. He provides greater self-esteem, self-acceptance, and the ability to change self-defeating behaviors. He counsels me for better relief from anger, anxiety, depression, and all mental and physical conditions. My husband and I have become closer going through this major health journey. I have really wonderful memories of my husband, how incredibly supportive to me in this worst situation?

He spent all the time with me and support me about talking and dreaming of raising our little one. He sticks with self-preservation, positive attitude, and advised me to be away from social media.  Because friends and relatives constantly asking for status and continuous update, that make more depression and stress for my physical and mental health. Finally, I prepared mentally and physically for my third attempt.

Now, as usual, we tried our third attempt without tension for a successful pregnancy. This time the treatment is 3 embryos inserted into my womb in 5 days. With lots of tension and fear, we waited for two weeks for the conclusion of my pregnancy test.

Unbelievable Miracle of our Life

Finally, by God’s grace and the support of hospital and management, my pregnancy is confirmed in a blood test with a positive sign. The exhilaration of pregnancy made us continue with the extra shocking news of twin baby for our childless life.

Twins! for our patience and prayers. We are ecstasy about our pregnancy result. All my eyes are filled with tears and we really thanked the hospital and doctor for their tirelessly support and treatment towards our twin child. After seven weeks of pregnancy, an ultrasonic test has been taken to check the heartbeat of the twin child and doctor give a positive and healthy sign-on pregnancy.

Accepting a new future with a lot of hopes & dreams

After a successful 40 weeks of carrying, I gave birth to a twin child of a boy and a girl baby at a time. Twin baby showers our life more meaningful and colorful. I would like to thank Wellspring IVF & Women’s Hospital for their wonderful treatment and the care, love, and affection showered us is incredible.

I would like to thank the management, Chief Doctor Shah, other Doctors, nurses and especially the counselor who made me undergo the third attempt. I would like to thank them for their unconditional love and tiresome work. Definitely, this would not have happened without their effort and support. I thank god throughout my life for gifting with wonderful twins.

Advice for other Struggle with Infertility

Many childless couples feel beholden to their respective doctors and don’t trust their guts. It’s vital to feel a connection with your doctor. It is important to feel good, enthusiastic and confident about the treatment and the person who is treating you. Be confident, be positive, be bold, and hope for the best always. Success is all yours with the greatest support and help of WellSpring IVF & Women’s Hospital.

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